In 2017 at TRANSLOG Connect Saint-Gobain Rigips Austria won the 5th CEE Logistics and Supply Chain Excellence Award in the manufacturer category!
The worldwide leader for Habitat, which accounts for more than 70% of its sales – mainly for new residential construction and renovation – Saint-Gobain is also very active on industrial markets. At Saint-Gobain Rigips, innovation and sustainability is the key strategic focus with the target to offer great living places.
To learn more about the award winning project we asked Günter Kowald Member of Management Team Saint-Gobain Rigips Austria, Supply Chain & Export Director and Category Manager Transport for all eight Saint Gobain Entities in Austria about the project which made them win the award:
Which challenges have you addressed in the project which won the award?
Günter Kowald "Transparent information is the key of being able to manage actively. It starts with the loading process. When the arrival of the truck is known an active loading management can be arranged. The same is important at the end of the chain. If customers are informed about arrival of their orders they are able to organize efficiently the unloading."
What were the major achievements after the project had been implemented?
Günter Kowald "We significantly reduced the waiting time of trucks at our plant; customers appreciated this additional information service. 90% of all customers have been linked within the first month of implementation. We clearly improved our customer service related to JIT."
In your opinion how is the award supporting the developments of logistics in the CEE region?
Günter Kowald "Major changes in terms of processes, expectations and services are recognized with the change of the new generation habits. Supply Chain is one major affected part! E-commerce, new channels to customers, last mile are just some examples for changed expectations and needs which are leading to significant changes in the supply chain.That’s why all future oriented solutions in Supply Chain support this movement. A better Supply Chain creates a better well-being for everybody’s life."
Which are the biggest challenges your department is currently facing?
What type of new solutions or methods are you planning to introduce in your current and upcoming project?
Günter Kowald "To fulfill at each order the 5 R´s, means right product with the right quality at the right time at the right place with right information and what means “right” is decided by the customer.
Next projects: include suppliers’ information in this information chain on one hand as well as to monitor and measure customer satisfaction online at each delivery at the other hand."
Is there anything you would like to add?
Günter Kowald "That kind of international event is important to bring experts together by sharing experiences which at the end leads to empower supply chain as major link between organisations. This event is an ideal platform for exchanging experiences at highest level, so like “a must” for every supply chain expert."
If you think your solution is cutting-edge and should be recognized by the industry, apply for the 6th CEE Logistics & Supply Chain Management Excellence Award and put your business in the spotlight by presenting your solution at the 8th TRANSLOG Connect Congress!
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